Saturday, May 4, 2013

Callepitter : How a misspelled word inspired me to get into business.

I have a favorite book. 

It isn't a novel, biography, fantasy or really anything of that sort.  It is a worn, green, pocket-sized book whose title page says in calligraphy;

Addresses, Phone Numbers, And Such Like…

The book is filled with my mother’s handwriting; loopy, smooth and somehow, kind.  In case you are questioning my taste in books, this one is not full of addresses but instead, little stories.  You can see for yourself what they are like:

(click on the picture if your eyesight isn't what it used to be ;)

You’ll notice about two-thirds of the way down this page, a one-line story about me.  When I was five, I discovered fuzzy, colorful caterpillars in our yard and excitedly but mistakenly called them “callepitters” for a long time.  Now I am twenty-five years old, and that little one-line entry represents a lot to me because it reminds me that my mom was listening

To put this in perspective, in 1993 my mom had eight children ages 2-12 to take care of. (!!!) She was packing lunches, giving rides, feeding babies, doing laundry, cleaning house and any number of other motherly tasks.  Can you imagine then, finding the energy to notice a slight mispronunciation from a five-year old, seeing the humor in it, and taking the time to write it down?  But she did, and I am so grateful!  Especially because now, I have the chance and the desire to be that kind of mom too.

My sisters and I are reviving a project that our mom started years ago—a published, adorably illustrated version of that little green book and I am so excited to share it!